Major De

Major De is from Oakland, CA and is now one of the premiere MC's to come along from the Bay Area in quite awhile.
He has a very unique sound and is not afraid to voice his opinion about any subject that you are incline to ask him about or to put it in his music.
Major De has work with some of the elite MC's from the Yayarea with the list of players continuing to grow as his popularity grows.
One thing that people may not know is that Major De is credited with getting the artist " Korrosive " introduced to the rapping game and showing him what it takes to compete with all the " Major " artists laying down tracks and stacking them racks.
Major De is no newcomer to the game as he has already worked on several major Cd's that are being played around the world and he's an accomplished artist when it comes to taking the stage and spitting his tracks at the audiences that just can't seem to get enough of the potentially great artist that is now taking the world by storm.
So be on the look out for " Major De " be it in stores, on the radio' or bumping out of some youngsters car, there's no hiding the great artist as he is " Major De "

Major De
Wake Up
Price: $12.00
For more information about Major de or for Booking Purposes
Call Tophat Booking and Management
Ask for Rose Edward or Ayyub Nasir
At: 1-707-646-1645 or 1-510-406-7213