
Korrosive is the CEO of MRE Entertainment and signed with Prime USA Records (PUSAR) and has taken the world by storm as he releases his 9th cd with PUSAR and his 10 MRE Entertainment.
He's currently working with InGrooves Distribution and is climbing the charts with his karissma, Kharm, and Klass which is something normally not associated with most MC's, Hip-Hop and Rappers, but then again Korrosive is not your ordinary Artist.
He dares to be different bringing you Kutting edge Music, yet it's street and has the pulse of the Hip hop krowd's attention whether it's his new release " Let me see you " or the females favorite " Don't Stop ", he demands your attention once
he hits the stage or the booth dropping some fresh new beat.
So every chance you get grab your ipod or whatever it is you're listening to these days and turn up that bumping sound of the ultimate MC " Korrosive "
Get It Girl

Squad Up
Price: $11.00

Money Rules Everything
Price: $11.00

Get It Girl
Price: $11.00

Money Rules Everything
Price: $11.00

8x10 Photo
Korrosive - Color-1 Signed
Price: $5.00

8x10 Photo
Korrosive - Color-2 Signed
Price: $5.00

8x10 Photo
Korrosive - Color-3 Signed
Price: $5.00

For More Information about " Korrosive " or for Bookings
Please contact Prime USA Records/MRE Entertainment
Shree Thomas CEO 1-707-646-1645
Rose Edward Publicist/PR 1-707-356-8105