Kim M. Lewis

Kim M. Lewis began playing Guitar at the age of nine. After dedicating a year of nothing but practicing day after day, he was rewarded by being asked to join " The Ventura's " a band that was started by his older brother and cousins who recognized his talent and thought he'd be a big asset to the group.
It was 1967 in Salt Lake City,Utah the Brigham Young University music hall was sold out for the British invaders " The Turtles " as the youthful and exuberant audiences was getting settled in their seats, the announcer introduced the opening act, " The Ventura's " now the local popular band, brought the crowd to their feet with their lively rendition of "I Heard it through the grapevine " . Kim Recently decided to go solo and released his first cd He Lives " on Kim Lewis Records.
Kim decided to sign with Prime USA Records and has released his new project entitled " I'm A Wal-Mart Shopper " and it's being distributed by Blue Pie Distributions and Records Worldwide.
Kim M. Lewis
I'm A Wal-Mart Shopper

Kim Lewis
I'm A Walmart Shopper
Price: $12.00
For more information or for booking Purposes
Contact Tophat Booking and Management
Ask For Rose Edward or Ayyub Nasir
At: 1-707-646-1645 or 1-510-406-7213