
Mark Hunter a.k.a. Hunter has been playing guitar for as long as he can remember whether it was playing along with his brothers or someone else in his family of talented musicians
ranging from keyboards, Bass, Saxphone and guitar.
Hunter started out like most musicians playing in local bands, doing talent shows or playing at the clubs making a
name for himself as one of the best guitar in the Bay Area.
Hunter started writing his own music at a very young age but took it more seriously after winning a song writing contest that he had entered, now people are asking Hunter to pen songs for them including Rey T. that had began to work with Hunter once they where members of the now world famous " Special Request " for whom Hunter ha co-written a whopping six (6) cds.
Now being an accomplished sung writer with hundreds of sungs under is belt, Hunter embarks on a solo career and releases the 1st of Three (3) projects "Up The Creek " on the Prime USA Records label, followed up by his 2nd cd entitled " Same Old Bull " but distributed by Blue Pie Distribution based out of the United States and Australia reaching the Top 20, Top 40, Pop and College charts.
Hunter is set to release his 4th project (yet untitled) and it's quite certain that he will have great success with the release, plus he and Special Request will Release their 20th cd on the Prime USA Records/ MRE Entertainment label at the same time and the world shall take notice of the guitar/Vocals of Hunter, where the superstar " Hunter " becomes " The Hunted ".
In The Backyard
Ding O Ling

Up The Creek
Price: $9.99

Same Old Bull
Price: $9.99
For More Information or Booking " Hunter "
Call Tophat Booking and Management Agency
Shree Thomas or Ayyub Nasir
at: 1-707-646-1645 or 1-510-406-7213