Jerald Driver "AKA" Finesse The Entertainer

Love Isn't A fairy Tale
It's Time To Catch A Rising Star!
Jerald Driver aka Finesse The Entertainer is taking his career one step further with his new release "Love Isn't A Fairy Tale" which will be the 1st single off of his forthcoming CD "Finesse The Entertainer".
Finesse is a multiple-talented individual that's a "Singer, Dancer, Actor and Songwriter and up until now has been one of the front men for the Grammy Nominated group known to many as " The Mighty Passions or The Legendary Mighty O'Town Passions (L. M. O. T. P.)" which has released songs such as: I'm So Lonely, Baby Dumpling, Come Turn me Out, Stop The Violence, Fed Up (with Blues legend John Lee Hooker Jr) Not The Father and their new release " Lady In Red".
Eager to get his CD to his adoring fans, family and friends, Finesse has opted to go ahead and share with everyone the "HOT" new single " Love Isn't A Fairy Tale " on the Prime USA Records/MRE Entertainment Record labels with distribution thru "InGrooves Music Group" delivering his track to Internet Radio allowing them to share it with the world.
Finesse is currently touring with L.M.O.T.P across the country while working on his new show to promote the new single entitled "Love Isn't A Fairy Tale.
for booking information contact: or call 707-646-1645